Planning Accessible Temporary Events

Planning Accessible Temporary Events

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Good afternoon and welcome everyone to the ADA audio conference for planning accessible temporary events. My name is Peter Berg. I'm the moderator for today's session. I am with the Great Lakes ADA center. The ADA audio conference series is a project of the ADA national network. The ADA national Network is the leader in providing information on the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA network is comprised of ten regional centers. You can reach your ADA center by calling 800-949-4232.

The ADA national network is funded by the national institute on disability independent living and rehabilitation research which is under the U.S. Department of Health and human services. We are pleased to be joined by two members of the ADA national network for today's session, they have got a whole host of great information for you. For those of you that were not able to access the handouts prior to the session please be advised that those materials will be available when the archive is posted of today's session. So within 24 hours the audio archive will be available on along with the materials and we will have an edited transcript of today's session available within 7 business days and there will be one additional document that wasn't currently available that we will post with the materials and that document is planning an accessible meeting for people with environmental sensitivities or intolerances.

With that I would like to introduce today's speakers. From the North east ADA center. Jennifer Lin Perry, access specialist will be our first presenter today. And we are also joined by Rob Gilkerson, he is with the Rocky Mountain ADA center and he is an architectural information specialist. They will be going back and forth throughout the presentation and at the end we will have time for questions and answers. So with that I want to welcome both Jennifer and Rob and turn it over to Jennifer.


Thank you very much Peter. We are looking forward to today's program and we do have a lot of information to share with you. So I'm just going to start by going over our agenda briefly with everyone. We have decided to focus on several key areas related to planning accessible temporary events. We are going to begin with the review of disability awareness and nondiscrimination requirements that are found in the Americans Disabilities Act. And then we will move on to talking about the planning process. Getting set and ready for temporary event and what to think about in terms of access and then we will narrow that down a little bit more and talk about physical accessibility and getting to the event site and then we will talk about participating in the event. And auxiliary aids and services and other things that should be taken in to consideration. And then we will move on to service and support facilities and wrap it all up with some helpful resources, if you will, be planning a temporary event.

Moving on to slide 12. Normally we reserve a slide like this for the end of the presentation but in order to, you know, right off the bat mention that please don't feel obligated to take a ton of notes during today's webinar because the content for this program was developed using the planning guide for making temporary events accessible to people with disabilities and you can access the full guide at from the national ADA network. You can also contact your local ADA center if you would like to receive a copy or have them send you a copy of the full planning guide which again today's webinar is largely based on. I also wanted to mention this latest version of the temporary event planning guide was adapted from the original version that was published in 1998 that some of you might have seen and it was published by the center for universal design and the southeast ADA center. The updated guide that we are reviewing today was facilitated by the ADA knowledge translation center and the content was reviewed by technical assistance specialists within the national network of ADA centers. Moving on to slide 13, some of you on the phone are probably aware of this but just in case I wanted to remind everyone that the Americans Disabilities Act or ADA is a federal civil rights law. And it protects the Civil Rights of people with disabilities in a number of areas. Including access to employment, access to state and local government facilities and programs as well as access to places of public accommodation which will include businesses, non-profit organizations, and it also protects Civil Rights of people with disabilities with regards to access to telecommunications.

This is, of course, also includes access to temporary events which are often key to community and civic participation. The need for accessibility within temporary events is supported by a number of statistics but we pulled a few of them out for you here. The first thing I can mention is that it is estimated that more than 21% of Americans age 15 and over and 50% of Americans 65 years and older presently have some type of disability. In addition to that at some point in their lifetime 70% of all Americans will have either a temporary or a permanent disability. Moving on to slide 14, let's talk for a second about what that means. How does the ADA define a person with a disability or in other words, who does the ADA protect. And the ADA really uses what is referred to as a three pronged definition for this term person with a disability. The ADA is designed to protect people who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

First thing I want to mention about this first prong is to keep in mind that the ADA protects again those who have physical or mental impairments. Many of us when we think of the ADA we may only associate the law with individuals who perhaps have mobility disabilities. When in fact, the law absolutely protects those with a mental impairment as well if it substantially limits one or more major life activity. And a major life activity are those things that as an able bodied individual probably do every day all day long and don't think twice about. Things like walking and talking and caring for one's self, sleeping and breathing. These are all major life activities. If you are someone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or major life activities you have rights and you are protected under the ADA. The second prong applies to individuals who have a record of impairment, physical or mental, that substantially limits one or more major life activities and finally the law also applies to individuals who might not have a disability but they are regarded as such or treated as such and that individual as well is protected under the ADA. Example of the third prong could perhaps be someone who is involved in a fire and sustained scarring on their face and they go to apply for a position, perhaps to hostess at a restaurant and they are discriminated against beyond the merits of their qualifications to perform the essential functions of the job but based on their appearance. Even though the facial scarring may not impact one or more major life activities and that individual is intended to be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

I am going to move on to slide 15. So when we think about disability awareness, there are some general requirements that are in place in the ADA to protect people with disabilities from discrimination. So, for example, under the ADA entities cannot discriminate on the basis of disability in their areas of program services or activities. You cannot ask unnecessary questions about someone with a disability nor can you deny benefits or services for people with disabilities. You also can't impose eligibility requirements that are intended to segregate or exclude people with disabilities. And finally you cannot charge people with disabilities extra to cover your costs for things for removing barriers for access or providing auxiliary aids or services like qualified interpreters.

Slide 16, when you are planning for a temporary event we just wanted to mention that we are focusing today on the ADA. But keep in mind that depending on where you are located in the country or the type of funding that's involved in your temporary event, there could possibly be other codes, standards, even things like human rights laws in your state or city that could also impact access at your event. The first thing I can mention is the Architectural Barriers Act or the ABA which requires facilities that are constructed by or leased by the United States or any kind of financing from the Federal Government. Those facilities are required to be accessible for people with disabilities. In addition, if you are a private entity but you accept funding from the Federal Government, you are a recipient of federal financial assistance you also then have an obligation to make sure that your facilities and programs and activities are accessible to people with disabilities. And finally there are many state and local codes including building codes that also mandate accessibility as well. So as I said we are focusing on the ADA today but please do be sure to consult and make sure that depending on your funding or on your state or local building codes that you are meeting all of the accessibility obligations that would apply to your project or to your event.

Slide 17, we have a few sites here that we have assembled to review just several kinds of disabilities. A framework, if you will, for planning for an accessible temporary event. There are hundreds of different types of disabilities. While one person may have multiple disabilities, another person may have a single disability with symptoms that may fluctuate from time to time. We are just going to review several types of disabilities, if you will, over the next few slides and we will start with mobility disabilities which would include individuals who use wheelchairs, whether they are power driven or manually operated. This category would also include people with ambulatory mobility disabilities. Perhaps individuals who use crutches or canes or walkers or braces or have artificial limbs would also fall under this category. People who use wheelchairs encounter some of the most obvious access problems including maneuvering through narrow spaces, going up or down a steep path or steep route and moving over rough or uneven surfaces. They may also experience problems with using common amenities on site like toilet rooms or bathing facilities. Some activities that may be difficult for people with mobility disabilities include walking, climbing steps or slopes or even standing for an extended period of time as well as things that involve fine finger manipulation or reaching.

Moving on to slide 18, the next category of disability are visual disabilities. And this category includes people with partial vision, or total vision loss. And some people with a visual disability are able to distinguish between light and dark or sharp contrasting colors or large print but they may not be able to read very fine or small print or negotiate or maneuver around, I should say, in dimly light spaces. Some problems experienced with visual impairments can include the ability to orient themselves, how they receive written or graphic information could be problematic and using controls that are not adequately labeled and they also may have a hard time avoiding hazardous protruding objects if they don't have cane detection and we will talk more about that requirement in a second.

Slide 19, the next category to consider are individuals with hearing disabilities. And people in this category use a number of methods to compensate for their inability to hear sound. Some people with partial hearing may depend on hearing aids or lip reading while others who are totally deaf may use speechreading or another means of communication that commonly known as American Sign Language.

Some problems for people with hearing impairments include communicating with many hearing people and using equipment that was really designed exclusively for auditory processing. Things like telephones and fire alarms. Additionally a lack of sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids or services or even inadequately trained sign language interpreters can also be a problem for people with hearing disabilities.

Slide 20, the last category that I am going to mention and please remember this is not meant to be an exhaustive list, there are many more types of disabilities. The last one that I am going to mention right now includes individuals with cognitive disabilities as well as other hidden disabilities. Those disabilities that aren't obvious to the naked eye.

So some of these include cognitive under learning abilities and can affect someone's ability to understand or communicate or their behavior. Some examples are seizure disorders as well as those who have multiple chemical sensitivities. People with cognitive disabilities when you are planning for an event may have difficulty navigating your facility. Particularly where your signage system is not clear or if you have a very complicated signage system. For people who have seizure disorders they may be sensitive to features in the environment like lighting which can activate seizures and another hidden condition that's gaining greater awareness is multiple chemical sensitivity and people with this condition experience a physical reaction that usually affects breathing when they come in contact with a chemical or a combination of chemicals that can be present in buildings and different types of products including things like pesticides, room deodorant and even clothes or perfumes that are worn by other event attendees. And the reaction that people with multiple chemical sensitivity have can range anywhere from mild to sometimes life threatening.

Moving on to slide 21, now we are going to discuss planning for access to temporary events and what you see on this slide is a list of some of the many temporary events that take place every day in communities across the country. Temporary events are intended to celebrate and support the sense of community and must encourage participation by all people and this, of course, should include people with disabilities.

Slide 22, we are going to start with a quick review of the items that should be addressed prior to site selection. And things that should be considered throughout the entire planning process. So that people with disabilities are able to ultimately participate in this temporary event and planning ahead is key for several obvious reasons. One of them being that it is the most cost effective way to ensure accessibility. And they also be helpful to consider designating an accessibility coordinator, someone who is there to oversee all phases of the event from the planning stage to completion of the event. And this is something to consider especially for larger events. Where you may have many elements that need to be addressed. You see on the screen here those that activities that we are trying to make sure are accessible for event attendees and they include the ability to obtain information and directions prior to the event. The ability to arrive at the site the same way as others. So thinking about even attendees are they coming in cars or coming by public transportation, by taxi. If you have parking, we need to think about accessible parking and where will that be located and how do we get from the accessible parking to our entrances. And once we’re on site, how do guests where do they go I should say to obtain additional information and directions about any accessible features.

Moving on to slide 23, we also want to think about how are people going to circulate throughout the event and if people are attending performances and, you know, engaging in activities and exhibits, how are they going to be accessible with those various types of disabilities that I just mentioned. And people get to ancillary items like concession stands and use toilet facilities and water fountains. So these are all things that we are going to be thinking about throughout the planning phase. During this phase you may want to reach out to people with disabilities to see if they can assist you early on in the process and that's key. And maybe even consider setting up an advisory committee that is representative of a number of types of disabilities to make sure that you are indeed being as inclusive as possible. You could always contact your local centers for independent living. They are an excellent resource for information like this. And if it is a very large event, particularly if it is a large event and you know there may be a need for extensive architectural modifications, you may even want to consider hiring a firm or an individual with both accessibility and architectural design experience, particularly if you have a site that may have a lot of challenges to accessibility.

On slide 24, site selection. Now this probably has the greatest overall impact on accessibility to your event as inaccessible architectural features are probably the most difficult barriers to remove. So site selection certainly is key in planning your event. While a lot of facilities throughout the country today were built before the passage of the ADA, even some sites that are partially accessible can be improved with proper planning. I also want to mention that if you are narrowing down sites where you are thinking of hosting an event, please do consider accessibility as a primary decision making factor. And ultimately choosing a site. It truly is that important. It is critical to assess your site for access to identify any barriers to accessibility and then to determine what kinds of modifications may be needed. One of the best methods to do that if you are not going to be using a firm or an outside company to assist you, is by using the ADA checklist that you see on the slide here developed by the national network and the institute for human center design. You can access the checklist at Again it is an excellent resource to use if you are going out and evaluating a site for accessibility, this checklist will walk you through the process of how to do that. And again using a checklist like this in consultation with your local center for independent living and other groups that represent people with disabilities should ultimately help you locate an accessible site and note those areas that don't include them.

Moving on to slide 25, as you are reviewing the site and you are going through the site selection process you may determine that some accessibility features are indeed lacking and in the United States Department of Justice, that's the federal agency that enforces Title II and Title III of the ADA has assembled some common steps to improve accessibility that are generally deemed as readily achievable or easily accomplishable without much difficulty or expense. You can see a number of those recommendations on the screen here and they include some obvious recommendations like installing ramps and providing curb cuts and repositioning items on shelving and there’s even some toilet room specific recommendations. Like installing a raised toilet seat, insulating the pipes, and installing grab bars. So these are just some of the recommendations for modifications but again, the checklist I just mentioned will also provide you with additional items specific recommendations for improvement.

I also want to mention here that both Title II which applies to state and local government if they were to host municipal government was to host a temporary event, Title II of the ADA would apply to that event and require that any programs or activities sponsored by state or local government entities are accessible to people with disabilities.

So ideally you would like to have an accessible site. Sometimes you can relocate programs or services to alternate sites if one site is not accessible. But ultimately any modifications that must be made that aren't an undue burden to achieve must be facilitated and then even for private businesses or organizations that decide to host temporary events, they have an obligation under Title III of the ADA to remove barriers to access if it is readily achievable for them to do so.

And they do not have an option to relocate to an alternate location that Title II entities has and remember those barriers that are readily achievable to address hinge on many factors. One of them being cost. The extent, cost to eliminate a barrier as well as the financial resources of the entity. So a large multi-national corporation is hosting an event certainly we can assume that they are more financial resources to use to improve accessibility than a small community non-profit might have. If they are trying to address accessibility at a temporary event.

Slide 26, temporary versus permanent modifications. So under Title II of the ADA entities must make permanent architectural modifications to ensure that program access is achieved for people with disabilities unless it proves to be an undue burden to do so. Meaning doing so would be excessively difficult or expensive. Sometimes it may be worth an attempt to negotiate with a landlord or a facility owner to see if you can incorporate accessibility improvements in to a signing of a rental contract or a space. That's something that often can be negotiated ahead of time prior to site selection. Sometimes permanent changes to a site will not be able to be made. Nor can you relocate the event at that point in time it is when you need to consider temporary modifications. And how can they be put in place to support the needs of people with disabilities.

The last thing I want to mention here before I pass it off to Rob is that sometimes we are going to talk a lot about physical accessibility. So we also need to be mindful of our policy and procedures. To ensure that we are modifying them as needed to support the needs of people with disabilities. For example, you may have an event space that has a “no pets” policy. We want to make sure that prior to our event that the management and staff at that event understands that we will permit qualified service animals on the premises. Despite having a no pets policy in place. And that's just one example but we don't want to only focus on physical access. We want to look at our policies and procedures as well. And with that I am going to advance to slide 27 and pass this over to Rob.


Thank you Jennifer. Jennifer spoke briefly on program access for Title II. And access to goods and services under Title III. I would like to remind everyone under the ADA standards both temporary and permanent structures must be accessible. And this is a citation. So whether you are building rest rooms or temporary stages they must be accessible and they must follow the standards.

Slide 28, this talks about getting to the event. Always encourage people when they are doing surveys to go out to the street. Go out to the sidewalk. And then look for your accessible paths of travel back in from wherever it might be. Whether it be the transit stop, the bus stop. Accessible parking areas, your drop off areas. Is there accessible path of travel back in to the facility. If there isn't what things can you do to make it accessible.

Slide 29, many times the accessible path of travel or the accessible entrance isn't oh, readily visible or readily apparent. So signage is very critical. However I wouldn't label rest rooms ADA rest rooms. Everyone on this phone call probably knows what an ADA rest room is but I would bet the general public does not. I would suggest just an international symbol of accessibility a little wheelchair symbol and an arrow indicating whether it be rest room, parking, that should be sufficient. Yeah. I would drop the ADA.

Next slide is 30. Some various things you need to look for when you are accessing your site as far as your sidewalk and accessible routes. First off at least 36 inches wide. And at least 80 inches of head room. So someone who is blind or low vision, no branches or overhead signs. Watch out for tripping hazards. Anything over a quarter inch can be a tripping hazard. These can be caused by sidewalks heaving, etcetera.

On to slide 31, things to look for, overhead branches hanging down. Have them trimmed back. Is there loose gravel. Then choose a different path or find a hardened surface. Is there tree limbs or in the case of far right picture, are they so overhanging they actually block it. So a person using a wheelchair or even somebody standing walking down through there can't get passed that bush. So you need to trim it back. On to slide 32, curb ramps will be part of your accessible route of travel. What are the slopes? Maximize should be no more than 1 in 12 or 8.33%. If you need—you can probably borrow a smart level from somebody out there or can actually take measurements of that and there is some good instructions at the DOJ website under accessing polling places as a way to measure a slope without buying an expensive smart level.

On to slide 33, if there aren't curb cuts on the path of travel you chose, you can either build your own out of a temporary use just build a temporary wood ramp or you may be able to rent or purchase a portable curb ramp.

Slide 34, many times barricades are used to either define accessible parking places, accessible routes, or block off various areas. Just make sure there is an accessible path of travel, 36 inches wide through those barriers if that's where you want your public to go.

On to slide 35, for the number of parking places you are required to provide, just go back to the 2010 ADA standards. In chapter 2 of it is scoping which is basically how, when and where, when and how many and there is a chart there as far as how many accessible parking places you need to provide for the number of parking spaces in the facility for your event. Things that you need to watch for is parking area level. And when I mean level I mean no more than a 2% running slope or cross slope in any direction. Is there an access aisle for each accessible space and are there van accessible spaces? I will go in to detail a little further on here.

In slide 36 is the accessible parking space level. As we see in the photo to the left here, I'm parked on a very severe slope here. And it is difficult to transfer from my wheelchair back in to the vehicle when you are parked on a slope. Additionally your wheelchair could easily take off from you and roll away. Additionally if there is a buildup curb ramp as we see in the picture in the right it makes a very unlevel surface to unload a wheelchair or deploy a lift for a van. So the couple of items you need to look for when you are assessing or evaluating your accessible parking spaces.

You need to look for is there an access aisle for each space. Access aisle briefly you need those to be able to open your door fully, to unload a wheelchair and walker and also need those access aisles to deploy a lift. So two spaces can share the same access aisle. But each space does need one-on-one side of the other. The left-hand side of the picture here we see City Market there are no access aisles whatsoever.

On to slide 38, to make a van accessible space either you can add three foot to the accessible parking space or three foot to your access aisle. So in other words, you can have 11 foot wide space and a five foot wide access aisle or an eight foot wide parking space with an eight foot wide access aisle. However I would discourage that.

On to slide 39, because eight foot access aisle people love to park in them as you see here in this photo. I would encourage five foot access aisle and 11 foot wide van accessible space.

On to slide 40, parking garages. If they are part of your event site you need to take look at them. Your van accessible spaces can be clustered in one area. However, you will need to provide a vehicular—a vehicular route to those accessible spaces that provides at least 98 inches of clearance from the entrance all the way to those van spaces including event space themselves. If your parking garage is not tall enough, existing parking garage, then you will need to create van accessible parking somewhere else on the site.

On to slide 41, parking signage, under the ADA your regular accessible parking spaces all they need is the international symbol of accessibility. The wheelchair symbol for your van accessible spaces they need the wheelchair symbol and a sign that says van accessible. That's it under the ADA. You have to look to local and state laws for any additional information you need to provide. But under the ADA that's it. So reserved parking, handicapped parking, by the way I would avoid using, it is accessible parking by the way. Any signs, that's all local and state ordinance.

On to slide 41, this is a letter law. Back to the ADA standards. Temporary permanent structures, so even temporary parking shall follow the guidelines to the letter. And in many DOJ publications they have the access aisle well defined with cones or barriers. Nice wide spots and curb ramps, that's the letter of the law.

On to slide 43, however this is what—this is probably the best I have seen out there. If anybody has anything better that they have witnessed or seen please take a picture. This is in court side Arizona, they did a pretty good job considering. Not to the letter of the law. They tried. They made fairly wide accessible parking spaces. It is—the gravel parking lot is pretty tightly—looks like they used crusher fines. It has a fairly stable firm surface. They outlined various parking spaces with chalk or with the chalk they use for athletic fields and they do have signs that says reserved parking. It doesn't meet the letter of the law but they tried.

Maintenance, this applies to maintenance for anything. It may be a little difficult to see in this photo here but if you look to the right, underneath that tent behind that picket fence is an accessible parking space. This business chose to put their picnic tables, outdoor eating area there instead. So obviously a violation of the ADA. But maintenance is a huge issue out there. It may be accessible when the event first starts but somebody else may come along and decide they should use that accessible space or that curb ramp for something else and it destroys or eliminates access to that event.

On to slide 45, then you need to look at your drop-off areas and evaluate them. You need to look at your bus stops, your passenger drop-off areas. Whether it be taxi shuttles or private vehicles. Are they accessible? Is there an accessible path of travel to them, to the entrance?

On slide 46, passenger loading zone, watch for a vertical clearance. You need 114 inches of vertical clearance. The area needs to be at least 20 foot long. And 60 inch wide access level and must be at the same level as the parking space itself. And most importantly it must be connected to accessible route to get you to your event itself.

Slide 47, you need to evaluate your bus and transit stops. Is there an accessible route of travel to your event? In this case here this was in San Antonio, took a little bus trip out to the McNay museum. Had a symposium and as you can see here the bus stop itself is fairly accessible. Nice concrete but there is no connecting path. If you look in the far distance there you see a blue sign. That's the entrance to the McNay museum and there is no way to get there except to go in the street. So I have a couple of different choices. You can talk to your city and have them create an accessible path of travel to your event because especially like an event that's going to be held there every year. Or maybe you convince your transit organization to drop off people at your event. At least temporarily. Or temporary solution. On to slide 48. You can also create temporary passenger loading zones if you need to by using various barriers, cones, barrels, you may even have to put down some mats or some type of surface to make that drop-off area accessible. And again can be 20 foot long, have an unloading area at least 60 inches wide and connect to accessible path of travel.

Jennifer I think this is your slide at 49.


Yep. Thank you. Thank you very much Rob. So just continuing on with what Rob was mentioning once people with disabilities arrive at this site we have to focus how are they going to navigate through the event site. Accessible route you see here is a critical component to the successful use of a site. What you see here are again the basic features of accessible route. Minimum clearance of 60 inches. Ideally you would have more than that. Which could be reduced to 32 inches as long as it is not for a distance greater than 24 inches. When you are going through an accessible doorway our accessible clear width can be reduced to 32 inches and you also want to ensure if you have a narrow accessible route that at reasonable intervals, generally not in excess of 200 feet you provide space for someone to use wheelchair to turn around or passing space which must be a minimum five feet by five feet. Keep in mind these accessible routes throughout your site and minimum clear width that are addressed here.

Moving on to slide 50. Getting around the site, here's another slide that illustrates a lot of the points that Rob was just mentioning. If you take a look of the accessible parking and cross transit stop as people are arriving at the site in shaded gray you can see the temporary measures that were put in to place to provide for an accessible route as well as temporary accessible parking improvement including the crosswalk that would made accessible with the use of portable curb ramp crossing the drive aisle there and then even the creation of a temporary accessible passenger loading zone all routes leading to the accessible entrance. One thing to keep in mind here is when it comes to accessible routes to the maximum extent feasible we always want to try to ensure that the route used by people with disabilities is not speculative or longer when compared to the route that's used by the general public. So we really do want to try to alleviate unnecessary travel distances for people with disabilities.

Slide 51, here you see some of the more basic space requirements for individuals who use wheelchairs. So whether you have a room or space at your temporary event, or a display or an exhibit, you want to be mindful of these minimum and again these are just minimums, spatial requirements for people who use wheelchairs. Minimum clear ground floor space which is 30 inches minimum by 48 inches minimum in length and this is a space needed to accommodate a single wheelchair and occupant and next to that is a 60 inch turning diameter which allows someone to make a turn and alternative if you don’t have a 60 in turning diameter, you can provide a T turn space similar to performing a three point turn in your car. This thing is provided at an intersection of a hall or corridor sometimes between display cases and sometimes under a counter, for instance, if you have knee and toe clearance. These are some very basic space requirements that you want to be mindful of when setting up your temporary event.

Slide 52, another thing to be aware of throughout the event site and not just along your accessible route but throughout all of your interior and exterior circulation path is the presence of what is known as protruding objects and protruding objects are any element that can be hazardous for people who are blind, or individuals who have low vision or frankly sometimes people who just may not be paying attention. You can see several photographs here. One of the television monitor, drinking fountains, hand dryer. So one thing all these elements have in common is their leading edges are mounted higher than 27 inches above the floor and they protrude more than 4 inches from the wall or corridor. Because of those two elements being in place if somebody who is blind is walking along these corridors, and sweeping their cane in front of them these objects will not be detectible by their cane and because of that they then become hazardous and someone can potentially walk in to these items. What we are told in the ADA standards is that we need to identify these protruding objects and provide some form of cane detection underneath of them. ADA doesn't tell you exactly what that cane detection must be. But you would want to ensure that it is something that is not likely to move. You also need to be mindful in the case of a drinking fountain you don't want to place something directly under a wheelchair accessible fountain. That could possibly create more of a problem. You want to provide cane detection on the side of the drinking fountain. And, of course, ideally you have the time of construction if you are involved with that phase you wouldn't want to purchase wall sections that do not have cane detection underneath that protrude more than four inches into a circular path. With regard to temporary events where you may have a lot of tents or tarps or similar temporary structures, you want to be mindful of the guidewires for these kinds of structures and make sure that they are going to be detectible for people who are blind or people who have low vision as well.

Slide 53, so here we are going to talk for a moment about the ground and floor surfaces of our accessible route. There are several key features highlighted here. The first one I will mention any time you have an accessible route you are permitted to have vertical change in level. Meaning that's not rounded or beveled that's up to a quarter inch maximum in height. However once you have those vertical change in level that exceeds a quarter inch up to a half inch at that point in time that change level can be troublesome for somebody using a mobility device. We are going to have to bevel that change in level with the slope no greater than one to two as you can see here. In addition you may have grates or openings in the floor, those openings should not be more than a half inch wide and if they are they may become problematic for somebody who is using a cane.

Now when we talk about grounds and floor surfaces Rob had a photo of an asphalt with his parking area and I'm sure many of you can imagine that rolling over, you know, irregular surfaces can be troublesome for people with disabilities. So can rolling over soft surfaces or seed piled carpeting as well as sand and gravel. Even for people who use power wheelchairs or scooters they can also have difficulty on these surfaces because it requires extra force to travel across them which can then drain your battery quickly and wind up leaving somebody stranded. Irregular surfaces like cobble stones that you see here in this photograph or uneven break or concrete pavers can also be difficult. I can't say that you can't ever have pavers. That would not be true. But going back to routes planned out maintenance you absolutely want to make sure that if you have uneven surfaces that they are maintained properly to alleviate any great changes in level that could become a problem for people who use mobility devices.

For temporary events, it is possible that you may have things like crushed stone or soil as your ground surface. If it is compact if it is stable and it doesn't have a lot of loose debris. It could very well be a usable surface where you could host a temporary event. If your surface is grass that may work assuming that the soil is not soaking wet and the grass is cut short. Tall grass could be slippery and really difficult to maneuver over if you use a wheelchair. You also have to think about how the weather is going to affect, you know, ground surface. Grass and then drying temperature that is cut short could be great or could be slippery or muddy in the event of rain. You want to plan for that. Whether it is purchasing tents to protect the grounds or purchasing synthetic maps as you see in the photograph on the right that can be used throughout your event in order to provide your accessible routes. So these are just some of the things that you want to keep in mind regarding ground and floor surfaces.

Slide 54, at your accessible entrances, of course, your accessible route can never involve the use of stairs. So if you need to investigate temporary measures one of the things that may work is the use of a portable ramp and if you have an inaccessible building entrance and you cannot provide a permanent ramp then installing portable ramps may be something that you can do. Many facilities have door vestibule areas with two sets of double doors and the ADA standards require that we have minimum of 48 inches of clearance between the swing of these doors. However in an older facility you may not have that 48 inches. So, you know, maybe investigate whether one of those doors can be propped open or removed for your event to improve access. If you are—excuse me, if your facility has revolving doors those are never accessible. You want to make sure you do have an auxiliary door preferably adjacent to the inaccessible revolving door. And if you have to access things like turnstiles those are not accessible either. So you want to make sure you have additional auxiliary gate adjacent to the turnstile.

Slide 55 temporary ramps, same requirements that apply to a permanent ramp are also going to come in to play and apply to a temporary ramp if you do purchase or rent a portable manufactured ramp there is several key technical specifications that you want to look for including a minimum clear width of 36 inches which is the same for accessible route. And you take the measurement between the handrails on the ramp. You also want to make sure that your slope complies with the ADA standards. It is the running slope does not exceed 1 to 12 or a .33%. Your cross slope you don't want to exceed 2% there. You also can have no more than 30 inches of rise in your ramp line before you have a landing or a rest area. For someone to use even things like handrail extensions are going to come in to play.

Slide 56 oh, you know if I can go back, I wanted to mention, temporary ramps if you have a significant rise to overcome, much more than three steps as you see here, you may want to investigate a temporary platform lift. This may be something if you just don't have the space that you need to install a compliant temporary ramp or if you did put in a ramp the slope would exceed 1 and 12, you may want to investigate purchasing a lift. Many times you can contact your local centers for independent living or perhaps your local medical equipment dealers. They may be able to point you in the right direction to where you can rent a temporary lift in that situation where you have an excessive rise to overcome. Slide 56 elevators if you have an elevator and you have a multi-level facility and that's excellent. So if you are using something like the ADA checklist that we mentioned, you will be able to assess the size of the cab and see if that's adequate but you also want to check for additional accessible features, particularly if guests at the event are going to be independently using the elevators. And they include making sure that you have raised characters and Braille features on the control panels, on the signage, indicating the floor levels on the elevator jams. These are just some additional things that you would want to check if there are elevators on site.

Slide 57, so all along our accessible route throughout the event site any time people encounter a doorway it is required to meet certain minimum requirements. One of them being in most of those minimum requirements are highlighted here on this slide. Minimum clear width of 32 inches and you would check that by opening the door to a 90 degree angle and then measuring from the face of the door to the opposing stop and make sure you have 32 inches to play with. And also closing speed depending on the type of closer or spring hinges that the ADA standards will tell you the closing speed obviously people with some mobility disabilities may take a little longer to go through a door. So you want to make sure that door is not closing quicker than it should. You want to check the pounds of force required to either push or pull interior doors. And make sure if they have closers on them sometimes you can have the facility staff adjust the closers to ensure that interior doors maybe can require less pressure to operate. Also want to look at things like the accessible hardware on your doors, smooth surface on the bottom of the door on the push side. People might be using the foot rest to push the door open. Be mindful of threshold that they don't exceed a half inch and then also look for maneuvering clearance on both sides of the door. Maneuvering clearance is a yellow rectangle that you see in the figure on the right. Maneuvering clearance is nothing more than the space that people need if you are using a mobility device to get close enough to grab the hardware and push or pull that door. So you want to make sure you have that. Sometimes in older facilities if you don't have that 32 inches of clear width that I mentioned, you can investigate are they removing a door or installing offset or swing away hinges which can sometimes buy you anywhere between one and a half and two inches of additional clear width and you see that picture on the screen.

Moving on to side 58, we are going to move on now to publicizing your temporary event and some considerations for access. So print materials are generally useable, of course, for people who can see and read but you also want to think about people with disabilities. Because of this you may want to use a variety of publicity formats and media options to ensure that you are reaching the largest audience possible. And certainly your local disability groups and organizations are there. And generally are willing to help you with the publicity of your event.

Slide 59, so here you see some of the various types of modes for accessibility in publicizing your event. If you can do this, that's wonderful. You want to make sure that your TV announcements should also be accompanied by captioning or onscreen text. If you are using Internet based communication like websites and social media, you want to make sure that any images or audible information is also accompanied with text to make it accessible to people with hearing or vision disabilities. And then in terms of printed information, you want to make sure that you are using large typefaces with high contrast that are easy to read.

Slide 60, you want to be prepared as you are publicizing the event to respond to questions that you may get about accessibility. And this is going to include the ability to accept calls from things like a relay service. So you want to be prepared to respond to these questions. Especially if your publicity materials can't provide very complete details about the event. If it is a large event and you have a variety of accessibility issues at that point it may be best to have someone on staff who is the designated knowledgeable person who is on hand to respond to inquiries about accessibility at your event.

You also want to prepare your staff and any volunteers that you have and make it clear to them that people with disabilities expect to be treated just like all other event participants. If you want to provide them with some things that include how they view and interact with people with disabilities to avoid being anxious or overly protective. Let people know on your staff that some event attendees may need extra time to perform tasks and make sure that your staff is well aware of the accessibility features including where the accessible routes are and accessible toilet rooms are as well as TTYs and ramps and features related to access.

Slide 62, so generally think inclusion. This is the emphasis for all activities. I do want to point out however there are some cases where having separate divisions depending on your event may actually allow people with disabilities to participate in a more equal manner. So perhaps you are having a marathon competition. If that's the case then having a wheelchair division at a separate from the men's and women's division may allow people with disabilities to participate more fully in that specific event. However you may have other runners who use braces or artificial limbs who want to compete in the other men's and women's divisions. So think about your policies and procedures in this case. Having a flexible policy that can allow people with disabilities to choose the division in which they feel most comfortable is going to go a long way, in supporting the notion of inclusion in the event.

Taking part in the event, if your event has displayed an exhibit you want to think about those things that Rob and I had mention previously about accessible routes and clear floor space and making sure that people with disabilities have physical access to your display table and to your cases and to your shelves and also want to make sure that people with visual disabilities are able to touch objects on display and make sure that people with hearing disabilities have access to content, particularly of presentation, you can do this by providing captioning, subtitles or a written script.

Moving on to slide 64, if your resources permit you and particularly if it is a larger event you may want to prepare ahead of time some brochures maps or schedules in large print for people who may have low vision and you want to make this information readily available at your service counter, information desk. If you have a ticket counter you should have at least one section or ticket window that has a lower counter that’s at least 36 inches long and no more than 36 inches high that is dedicated to serving guests with disabilities or those of short stature.

And I think Rob probably mentioned this and I'm going to reiterate, can't stress enough the importance of accessible signage. Particularly if you don't have fully accessible routes throughout the event site you really want to take advantage of using directional signage generally with the international symbol of accessibility so that people are aware of accessible routes and accessible features at your event.

If you have performing areas like stages, speakers platforms, keep in mind that speakers or performers with disabilities may need modifications to stages. High stages are going to be more difficult to make accessible. And it is generally not acceptable or safe to carry a person with a disability up steps. So if a stage is very high and you cannot provide access to it you may want to investigate that portable lift that I mentioned before.

You also want to make sure that your presenters that have hearing speech or vision disabilities let you know before the event of any auxiliary aids or services that they may be in need of in order to effectively communicate their message with the audience and microphones. It is key to provide, you know, table microphones or lapel or Lavalier mics. You may have to raise the mic by placing it on a box or mic stand but providing amplification of sound is key for many event attendees.

Slide 67 you also want to think about the seating layout. There are many, many options. For seating layout some of the popular are seen here. Classroom style to the left, theater style in the middle and open seating layout to the far right of the screen. All of these can work for temporary events. You want to be mindful of the accessible route to the accessible seating area. Maintaining clear floor ground space and if you have an open layout, like maybe it is a preconcert at the public park where there is not a defined seating area you may want to try to identify the most level areas of the park that is closest to an accessible route and perhaps mark that off as the accessible seating area for your guests with disabilities.

If you have amenities on site including things like venders and concession areas you want to make sure they are located on an accessible route. You have clear floor space adjacent to things like your soda dispensers and your ketchup packets and mustard and sugar. You also want to make sure those elements are located within accessible reach ranges. When training your staff include your venders and concession stands and let them know that it is expected that they will provide assistance as needed to guests with disabilities.

For communication access again you want to think about various types of people with disabilities. Including hearing disabilities. And investigate, if you will, need to provide sign language interpreters or written materials or assistive listening devices and you also want to think about guests with visual disabilities. And given your presentations may be occurring or your exhibits, do you need audio descriptions or recordings. Or Braille materials. You also want to make sure that as much as possible for those with cognitive disabilities that you are providing very clear and concise language as well as graphic presentations and if necessary, repeating information that's being released.

So just a follow-up on that point, you want to think about assistive listening systems, sign language interpreter’s audio descriptions as well as seating options. Sometimes if people are lip reading they are going to want to be seated in the front of the room closest to the speaker. These are all things to take in to consideration and I also finally want to mention before I pass things back off to Rob access for people with environmental sensitivities or intolerances and this is just a few consideration points. There are many more. So you should consider having a fragrance smoke and pesticide free environment. Events should be posted and advertised as being fragrant, smoke and pesticide free. Promulgate that policy and make sure that your event site is nonsmoking facility and do not use things like fresh flowers as they can be problematic. If you want to learn more about planning events and consideration for people with environmental or chemical sensitivities you can contact the national center for environmental health strategies and I have included their contact information in our resources section at the end of this presentation so you can contact them to learn more. I am going to pass it off to Rob again.


Thank you Jennifer. It seems like I spend so much time in toilets as far as measuring them for accessibility. I have put together so many wheelchair access guides over the years. Our parent corporation sends surveys and anyway, so much to look at. So much to deal with. I'm going to hit the highlights of what you need to look for. Toilet facilities are provided they shall be accessible period. Shall be accessible. Some of the things that I looked for, for toilets is doors in the vestibules. That's where you are going—that's the first thing you are hung up on. If it is going to be inaccessible that's probably where it is going to be inaccessible so watch for doors that don't provide that 32 in. for clearance. As Jennifer said earlier swing clear hinges can work, can give you another inch and a half two inches of clearance getting through that door. As you can see in this picture that I posted here on slide 73, my wheelchair is hitting that door frame. Hitting that jam and I just can't get through it. Believe it or not, Lowe's hardware store started stocking these swing hinges. And they are relatively inexpensive. They are anywhere from 5 to 7 dollars you can pick these up at. I found these at Lowe's hardware store here in Colorado. An option for you. It may give you a little more clearance and accessibility. Let's go on to slide 74. The other issue a lot of times with older facilities is the vestibule. And the double doors as you go in to a rest room. Jennifer explained this in detail earlier. I will talk about a solution here for a rest room. You may have to prop those doors open. Remove one door. If you prop both them open you may need a privacy curtain or a privacy screen on the outside of the rest room as we see in the right-hand drawing. Without a privacy screen there everybody could look like right in the rest room. Not a pretty site. But none of us need to look at. So various solutions you can make that situation more accessible.

On to slide 75. We need to look at in rest rooms is there a five-foot turning diameter. So you can turn around and get out of the facility. Other things, are there trash cans in the way, especially in maneuvering clearances. As you see in the photograph on the left-hand side that trash can is going to be in the way exiting that rest room. There are some place else in that rest room that you can place that trash can and in this case it is 55 gallon barrel. Maybe just a smaller barrel might be appropriate.

On to slide 76. Toilet stalls, the things you look for is the width. It needs to be at least 60 inches wide and between 56 and 59 inches deep depending on if the toilet is floor or wall mounted.

On to slide 77, watch out for your long skinny stalls. For your older facilities they meet—they may meet the letter of the law but they are really unusable. The one on the left there you see a picture of me from an overhead view, I'm entering the stall and we have grab bars on both sides there. But to do a transfer to actually get on that toilet is nearly impossible. Now I might be able to enter my leg back in that toilet but that's about it. I would not be able to transfer on to the toilet itself.

I know they have meet the absolute letter of the law for existing facilities but they are nearly worthless. So I really encourage you to convert a couple of stalls as we see in slide 78. And buy a couple of stalls and make it truly accessible. That's the about the only way to do it. As we see here in the drawing also notice that the stall door opens on the open side of the toilet. So as you enter the toilet stall you can enter—enter all the way in and not have to worry about running in to the water closet the toilet itself.

Moving on to slide 79, next thing we need to look for in rest rooms are the sinks lavatories accessible. Watch out for 27 inch clearance. If they have ram facet models replace them and that's something that is cheap and easy to do and something that maybe should have been done maybe 25 years or so ago.

Anyway, on to slide 80 dispensers whether they be paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers, generally the reach range is maximum of 48 inches. I don't know if you are reaching over a counter as we see in this photograph here, the highest reach range is limited to 44 inches. And that's being the highest operable part. In this case the soap dispenser it would be the lever to dispense that soap.

Moving on to slide 81, when you look for mirrors, if they are above a counter, maximum 40 inches tall. Maximum 40 inches to the bottom of the reflective surface. Any taller than that—I'm a tall guy sitting in a wheelchair. So I see the top of my head and that's about it. If they are anywhere else in the facility on a wall that's not above the counter, then the maximum for the lowest edge should be no higher than 35 inches.

Moving on to slide 82, if portable toilets are provided, porta potties, at least 5 percent must be accessible. That's within the 2010 standards. That is a requirement. Moving on to slide 83, some things to look for when you are looking at your portable toilet units, many times sometimes I think that they throw—they combine two, they throw wheelchair symbol on a door and throw some grab bars inside and call it good. We watch out for those long skinny units that are not truly accessible. You need to look for units that have the five foot turning radius in it. That's what's required. So you see here in this picture out of a modern new accessible toilet, where that five foot turning radius has been kind of cut out as far as the receptacle holds the waste. So that's what you need to look out for. Avoid the small skinny units and get the big square ones that are actually truly accessible. Move on to slide 84, other things you need watch out for what's reportable units is if there is a ramp that ends right at the door. If the ram many goes right over the door there is no level landing. So basically if you are wheelchair user, a crutch user, whatever you roll up to the door and you grab the door and then you have to back downhill with it and then wheel through it. A difficult maneuver for anybody. So watch out for those ramps that end with low level landing at the top. Moving on to slide 85, watch for accessible pallets on this case, no accessible path to the porta potty and look for the transition between your accessible route and the porta potty itself. You may have loose gravel or grass that's getting soggy and impacted from so many people going in and out of the porta potties. Watch out for that transition. You may have to put some plywood or other fabric to make that transition accessible. Let's move on to slide 86, is there drinking water available? If drinking water is provided it shall be accessible of the best practice is to provide water for everyone. Whether they be persons with disabilities or your general public. Like I said today earlier it is almost 90 here in Colorado. Any time out in that weather at 90 degrees I get dehydrated very quickly.

So best practice try to provide it for everyone. For drinking fountains, watch for high low fountains. Under the 2010 standards that are required a lower fountain for children and people using wheelchairs. And the higher ones for people who have difficulty bending over. Look to the standards for specific heights. Look to the checklist for those specific heights and what to evaluate. If the facility and your fountain is too high or too low think about providing paper cup dispensers, make that temporary event accessible during the duration of the event. Moving on to slide 89, shelters are not specifically required. But as best practice I sure would provide it. It is a person with a disability, elderly real break from the sunshine especially on hot days or a rainy environment as we have seen in the east. So best practice consider doing that.

Jennifer I believe this is on to you for resources.


Yes, thank you Rob. We have assembled a few resources here that might be of assistance to you and the first I am going to mention is the ADA national network. You can reach your local ADA center by calling 1-800-949-4232 or visit the website at If you are looking for information and guidance regarding assistive technology, You can contact them as well as AbleData. We have a number of products related to accessibility. You can also reach out to—you can look for a lot of these resources online but the national disability rights network can point you in the right direction for your local protection in advocacy organization. Might be able to assist you if you are looking to improve access at your event or even publicize the event and if you are looking to locate your local center for independent living which both Rob and I have mentioned as great grass root local sources and for information and assistance. There is a national directory on ILRU at TIRR memorial Hermann website. If you go to their website you can locate your closest center for independent living and contact them and then for much more detailed information on accommodating individuals with things like multiple chemical sensitivities you certainly can contact the national center for Environmental Health Strategies and we have provided their phone number as well as e-mail address for their executive director.

And then finally, of course, the Department of Justice's ADA website at You can go to their website for a wealth of information. And you can even call using their 800 number to speak to an ADA specialist and the Access Board, United States Access Board's website also has a wealth of information related to physical accessibilities requirements. So those are some of the resources. I would like to remind everyone please do take a moment and visit the national ADA network's website at where you can download the entire publication where making temporary events accessible for people with disabilities and we hope you find that guide of use when you are planning for your next temporary event.

I think with that I'm going to pass it back to Peter.


All right. Thank you very much Jennifer and thank you very much Rob. What a great deal of information. Very detailed. Very relevant and excellent information. So thank you both very much for presenting that. For those of you again just a quick reminder if you are in the webinar room you can submit your questions in the chat area and click on it with the mouse or you can control M will put focus in there and you can submit your question. At this time Shanice will you give our telephone participants instructions on how they can ask questions?


Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen at this time if you have a question please press the star, then the No. 1 key on your touch tone telephone. If your question has been answered or you wish to remove yourself from the queue please press the pound key.


And Jennifer and Rob while we wait for that I will ask you the first question that we got in to the webinar room and they want to know can we use the new accessibility symbol on a signage?


Rob do you want me to handle that one?


Sure go ahead, Jennifer.


The person asking the question I am not sure where they are from but I do know that New York state, for instance, they have a new accessible icon—it is called the active symbol for accessibility. To be honest with you the ADA does have a clause known as equivalent facilitation. The international symbol for accessibility in the 2010 ADA standards does not look exactly like the New York state accessible icon and there may be other jurisdictions in the country that have one as well. So in terms of equivalent facilitation I know that certain members of the Department of Justice' staff has said that they feel that it is equivalent facilitation but I do not work for the Department of Justice and I haven't seen any fact sheet printed I should say on that topic. That's probably one of those areas where I might recommend that you do indeed contact the Department of Justice's ADA hotline and ask one of their technical assistance specialist but there is equivalent facilitation.


Peter, I think you sent something out recently on that, have you?


When I saw the question coming in when you guys were presenting I was doing some research online and I think this topic came up at the ADA symposium in Atlanta earlier this year during a town hall discussion. So I would like to do a little more research because I found something that quoted Sally Conway from the Justice Department and Rex Pace from the Access Board but I didn't want to pass it along before making sure it is accurate. We will research that further and get that information out to all of you that have participated today. Another comment here is, the question that came in wanted to know if the PowerPoint presentation would be made available and also the comment that the presentation was excellent. So that gets kudos to you Jennifer and Rob. Once the ADA audio website is back up and running when we archive the session the PowerPoint presentation along with handouts will be available for you. And I want to check we don't have a lot of time left but do we have any questions from our telephone participants at this time.


We have one question from Rick Edwards, your line is now open.


Hello Rick. Go ahead with your question.


Thanks. I was in the room when Sally made that comment. She said it did not meet equivalent facilitation because it wasn't equal or greater access but I will let you search that out with Sally. I had a quick question on the—I think it was on slide 22, I noticed that some of the text was behind the picture. I was going to see if that could be corrected or when the presentation is sent out.


This is Jennifer. I apologize. I think possibly in formatting the presentation I apologize. I noticed that as well.


Great job. I appreciated that. I would also like to if I could suggest that we take a look at when people put carpeting down in temporary facilities make sure the edges are tacked down well because that's one of those things that get curled up, especially on mats on grass and things like that.


Very good point.


Thank you very much. Appreciated it.


Thank you.


Thanks for the question, Rick. One comment that I just wanted to add in and this is just related to my personal experience of working and volunteering with a temporary event in the community where I reside and that's the issue of training. Many of these temporary events incorporate the use of many volunteers and the event that I participated in attended arrived at the location, the accessible parking was beautiful. It was perfect. It was being accompanied by the ADA coordinator for the municipality and they had used work horses to block off the access aisle they had provided an access aisle for each individual parking space and they were not sharing access aisles. It was great. So we attended the event. We had volunteered doing something inside and eight hours later when we left there were vehicles parked in every single access aisle and we went up to the two young ladies that were working the parking at that time and they said that so-and-so said we could let cars park in the access aisle. This was a perfect example the planning was great, they had set it up, they put work horses, and then the execution of this plan failed miserably because the folks on the front line, the higher ups knew what their obligations were and what they need to do but there was lack of communication to those volunteers on the front line in executing the plan. So training is also always a key component to planning temporary events.

Rob I think this one is for you and this question is if portable toilets are used for a temporary event how many of them are required to be accessible?


5%. But at least one.


All right. Excellent. Very good. This is I guess for either of you. The questioner wants to know if a church is putting on a summer festival are they required to comply with these ADA requirements.


You want me to handle that one Rob?


Yeah, go ahead.


The ADA generally does not apply to religious organizations like churches or synagogues. However in terms of inclusion you certainly would hope that even if the ADA does not apply to your specific event you are thinking of having access. There could be local or state building codes that could impact accessibility. Because unlike the ADA local building codes consider churches and synagogues places of assembly. So there are still going to be access requirements locally and also other types of rules and regulations in place that could impact access but generally the ADA does not apply to religious organizations.


Excellent. Another question here that somebody submitted in advance, does the—do the ADA standards apply to those temporary amusement rides that you see at summer and fall events in local communities?


I will take that one. No. They don't. I think they must have had a good lobby and they talked to the Access Board and carnivals those type of temporary events the actual ride itself does not have to be under the 2010 ADA standards. Program access, access to goods and service, what do you think Jennifer?


I would agree with you. My gut reaction was the traveling or portable amusement rides in carnivals, specifically are listed as an exception for the amusement ride portion. I would still think the presence of accessible routes and other features throughout the facility would be required. Toilets and everything else we discussed.


I agree.


Excellent. We have reached the bottom of the hour. So if we were not able to get to your question I would encourage you to please contact your regional ADA center by calling 800-949-4232 or visiting the ADA national network website, I again want to thank on behalf of the network and personally the effort and work that Jennifer and Rob put in to getting this presentation together. It was a whole lot of information. And a whole lot of material that the two of them took on and did just an incredible time presenting. So thank you for your time this afternoon presenting but more importantly thank you for the time that you spent in putting together today's presentation. As a reminder the audio archive of today's session along with the materials we hope we have our fingers crossed we will have that available on the website within 24 hours. The edited transcript we will have posted to that website within 7 business days. I hope that you all enjoyed the information that was provided to you today and I hope you will join us in September for our next session which is scheduled for September the 15th these ADA audio conference sessions are a success because of you attending and participating in them. And this is an interesting session. I don't think it is one that we have addressed previously. And the topic of the session is or the session title is reporting clearly and accurately about disability and so this will—it will look at the media portrayal of persons with disabilities. You can get more information of that session and register by visiting the Or you can give us a call at 877-232-1990 if you have questions about that. I also wanted to mention really quickly I gave a very brief introduction to Jennifer and Rob at the top of the session. You can view their full bio on the website if you want to get more information about them. Again thanks to all of you for joining us today. Apologize again for the technical difficulties we encountered and once again thank you to Jennifer and Rob for your presentation today. For those of you in the webinar room you can simply close out your browser to exit the webinar platform. For those on the telephone you simply need to hang up your telephone. Thanks everyone and good day.